At about 7 weeks, the neusea hit me like a ton of bricks. Alllllll day sickness. I couldn't make it to the bathroom soon enough in the morning so I had a bowl by my bed. Graceful right? And then I'd Puke again in the shower, not sure why. The steam maybe?? But it was a routine that stuck with me for a while. One thing I'll mention is I wasn't too mad about being sick. Actually, I was more grateful. My last pregnancy which ended in miscarriage, I wasn't sick at all. And I'd heard that the more sick you are, the healthier your growing baby was. So I had a hard time complaining about being sick. I guess that's a good thing? Haha.
I announced my pregnancy to my closest friend Hailey when I was 10 weeks, right after our ultrasound and we'd heard and seen our beans heartbeat. She was moving to Arizona that week and I wanted to tell her in person. We also told my parents that day, they were so ecstatic about it! We waited to tell Tyler's family and everyone else until our next appointment which was around 12 weeks.
This was actually our very first ultrasound. I was about 8 weeks. So mind blowing.
My cravings in my first trimester were:
Lemons. I'd eat then whole. But it sucked throwing those up not gonna lie...
Chocolate. Especially mint chocolate truffles from Little America
Fresh fruits and veggies.
Second trimester came and the neusea was still at full speed. Tyler hated taking me out to dinner... I can't count how many restaurant parking lots I threw up in. It was like throwing money away in the garbage... I would get so mad every time. Ugh.
I finally got the guts to take my first belly pic at about 17 weeks.
It was so fun having a belly. It was right about this time I starting feeling him move around too. Such a cool feeling.
At 18 1/2 weeks we were scheduled to have our gender ultrasound. My mom, Tyler's mom and the two of us walked back to ultrasound room and the first thing we saw on the screen was our babes privates haha. No shame! It's a boy!! My heart literally melted. I already loved him with my whole heart. And he looked Sooo handsome!! Which he is to this day! I'm not gonna lie people, I knew it was a boy. When people would ask what I though it was I would reply "I'm 100 and 10% sure it's a boy". So there ya have it. Mothers intuition at its finest ;)
Handsome right!?
At about 25 weeks the neusea finally started dwindling. I'd throw up once or twice evey morning and that was it for the day. Every now and then if throw up after a meal but it was pretty seldom. I finally started to gain some weight! He was kicking and moving allll the time. I loved it. He would lull me to sleep evey night and wake me up every morning. He would even wake Tyler up some mornings if I was cuddling his back; or rather If I was being the "big spoon". Haha. I remember one of the coolest feelings was when Tyler felt him kick for the first time. I was 20 weeks. Loved it.
20 weeks! Half way!
About this time in I added two more symptoms to my long list:
-heartburn. I had never ever had heartburn before. The first time I experienced it I was eating a subway sandwich. Pretty sure it was from the pickles. So from there on out, till my last push in the delivery room, I ate tums like they were going out of style.
-back ache. I have scoliosis already, so we figured it was gonna take it's toll on me once I got pregnant. I'm not much of a cryer people, especially when it comes to being in pain. I've broken 10 bones in my lifetime, I've learned to be tough when it comes to pain. These back she's were no fun, and I was in tears every night it seemed until Tyler gave me a back rub or I was in the tub. I fell asleep one night in the tub and Tyler woke me up at about 2 am. Haha.
Christmas time, around 30 weeks maybe??
My friends Megan Martin, Tiffany Mitton and Caleen Bybee all helped to throw me a baby shower! Mostly just for friends from high scho. It was so fun to see everyone! And we got a lot of fun and useful baby items!
Basketball theme :) cute right!?
My second shower my sisters and my mom threw me. This was for ladies from my home ward and other close family members. They kept the theme a surprise for me!
34 weeks hit me and I was strictly put in nesting mode. I didn't think it was a real thing... But yes. It is indeed a real thing, and I'm sure my husband would describe me as being a real pain in his butt during this time. The babies room was a disaster at this point. So we organized everything and ordered a crib and changing table. This was the final product of our hardwork!
A jungle themed nursery :)
My last belly pic was at 37 weeks. I had hoped I would get some maternity pictures but that never happened...
Dying to have my babe at this point. I swear I peed my pants at least twice a week. But I had enjoyed my whole pregnancy, I loved, and I mean LOVED knowing my baby was safe inside me. I loved feeling him move and roll inside my belly. I didn't want to wish away my last three weeks of Tyler and i's last days if being "the two of us".
At 37.5 weeks I was having contractions 5 minutes apart. Tyler was at a basketba game championship and I was at my friend Tiffany Mittons house, bouncin on a yoga ball. Us girls were having a good time counting contractions. But I knew that wasn't going to be the day is have my baby. But I did go home and pack my hospital bag! Haha.
February 28, at 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant we were hanging out at home. Our good friends Chelsey and Tyeson Mitton were gettin married the next day. Tyler had to work but I was planning on going to the ceremony with my parents in Idaho falls. I was having contractions again that night, counting but not really paying close attention. They were too sporadic. Tiffany called me around 8 that night and asked if I would cut tanners hair for the wedding the next day. We weren't doing anything so I had them come over.
Once I told her I was having contractions she immediately started keeping track and counting on her phone. They got to 5 minutes apart again, and they told me I needed to go in. I insisted this wasn't the day... After they left that night, my mind had changed it's course of thinking. This was indeed the day I would be having my baby. :)
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