Maybe not...
I got up and started to get ready or bed; washed my face, brushes my teeth, and crawled ( yes, crawled with my huge 9 month prego belly) into bed next to my husband. It was just another regular night where we'd say our prayers and if fall asleep to my baby's kicks inside my belly.
Well once I got settled into bed my contractions started up again. This had been happening off and on for the last week and I was still 10 days from my due date. Hardly anyone I knew had gone early with their first babies so I had just assumed if go a week over like everyone else. And I didn't wanna go into the hospital just for them to make fun of me and say " this is your first baby you have no clue what's going on go home to bed you're still dilated to a one " blah blah blah. I had my appointment with Dr Carlson two days prior and I was 80 % effaced and dilated between a one and two. He had guessed I would go a couple days before my due date but thought i would make it to my next weeks appointment.
Plus, guys, I'm not gonna lie I kind of ENJOYED being pregnant. It's rare, I know. I loved feeling him move around in my belly, knowing he was safe in there. Plus, I didn't have to share him with anyone. I had him all to myself. Shellfish... I know.
Well my contractions were getting worse and I couldn't fall back asleep. I remember saying a little prayer to help know whether or not I should go to the hospital. Tyler had a big math test early that morning that he had studied all night for. I didn't want to drag him to the hospital for them to send us home and him losing precious sleep.
I finally came to the conclusion that I needed to go in. I woke Tyler, rolled out of bed, brushed through my hair and grabbed our bags that I had thankfully packed earlier that week. We were even too lazy to take the car seat knowing Tyler could come back and get it the next day if I was in labor.
It was around 2:00 am on March 1st, we parked in the expectant moms parking space. It was a cold night, lightly snowing.
We got to labor and delivery and the nurse had my dress in a hospital gown so the could check my cervix. These words were music to my ears, "you're dilated to a 4, looks like we're keeping you!" I was thrilled. I was finally going to see my baby in the next few hours.
Even though some intense contractions I could still feel baby kicking around like crazy. Then a sad thought came to mind... These are the last times I will feel my baby kick! My favorite feeling of all time... I was kind of sad. Too much going on though to dwell on it for long.
Before things would start getting hectic and crazy, I knew the first thing I needed was for my husband to give me a blessing. What a comfort it was. Instantly my mind was calm.
I called my mom and my sisters and told them the good news! They showed up bright eyed bushy tailed, dresses to impress shortly after I called! I have the best family. Love them. Shortly after they got there my nurse came in and told me I was dilated to a 5 and could have an epidural if I so choosed. I'm like... Duh! Haha. Doesn't everyone?? ;)
The epidural was rough for me... I. Don't. Do. Needles. Ever. But I had to suck it up... The doctor who was giving me my epidural noticed my curve in my back (scoliosis) and told me it might be a little bit of a challenge. I managed though, with the help of Tyler reminding me to breath. My left side went completely numb, but my right side I could still feel contractions. Such a weird feeling.
By 4 or 5 am I had a different nurse. She was a family friend and had been my two older sisters labor nurse as well in the past. She was awesome. I felt so lucky to have her there.
After my epidural I slept for an hour or so, and so did Tyler. I woke up feeling nauseous... I saw Tyler sleeping on the other side of the room, my dad was at my right and my sister Holi at my left. I felt bad as she held a blue puke bag for me as I puked into it. What a trooper she was. Did I mention I have the best family around??
This woke Tyler up from his deep slumber. I asked my dad if he would give me a fathers blessing. After all, two powerful preisthood holders are better than one. Again, after I felt great comfort that I would be able to get me and my baby through this experience, safe and sound.
My nurse came in to check my cervix again, and informed me that I was only dilated to a 6, and two hours had passed since then. Now, don't quote me on this because I was kinda out of it and this happened nine months ago... So my Brian doesn't remember every detail and term. But... I think they said they were going to start me on pitocin? To help me dilate faster? Well as I mentioned earlier, I was out of it. I could hear what people were saying, but my mind was so tired and fuzzy I was just not taking everything in as fast as normal...
After they started the pitocin, or whatever it was, my babes heart rate that I had been listening to for the last 6 hours, was gone. They rolled me to the left, then to the right, trying to find his heart rate. But it wasn't happening. Tyler was stroking my hair reassuring me everything was fine, but I knew it wasn't. The nurse and the two doctors had worry written all over the faces. I thought, this is it. This happens sometimes to women who carry a baby inside their body for almost 10 months, and at the last minute, their baby is gone. These were my thoughts during those very long couple of minutes.
I remember the nurse told the PA to take whatever it was they just put inside of me, to take it out because is was now dilated to a 10! I had dilated 4 cm in about 20 seconds time, which had stressed out the baby. The minute they took the tube out the tube that was delivering the pitocin I'm guessing, his heart rate came back on the moniter! Tears were shed out of joy and relief. My baby was ok and I was dilated to a ten!
Sadly, my OB/GYN who I had been going to for my hole pregnancy was out of town. And there we're 3 other women in labor at the same time as me. There was only one OB on call and he was busy with the other women in labor... I can't tell you how many people came into my room checking me an prodding me. It's fine... No shame haha. I just wanted my labor to be over and to see my baby healthy and safe.
My nurse and a PA were the ones who would be delivering my baby. The PA was very nice, and was the only one who stayed calm during our little scare earlier. So I was happy to hear he would be delivering my babe.
My nurse told me I could start pushing. I pushed for about 20 minutes before they told me some rather bummer news. My baby was stuck on my pelvic bone... With each push he moved a tiny tiny bit. They told me to rest for about an hour and then they would come back for me start pushing again. So rest I did... Slept the whole time. I never would have thought that I would be having the best nap of my life, in labor, dilated to a 10. But I did. Haha.
An hour later they had me start pushing again. I would push for a half hour and then rest, over and over. After about 2 hours of pushing they could finally see his head! I asked the PA what color his hair was, thinking for sure it was going to be dark like mine. His response " I think it's dark, but I'm color blind so I don't know for sure haha." Bless his heart.
After another ten minute rest the nurse brought a mirror in for me to see what was going on down there... I didn't want to see my mangled body but she thought it might give me enough encouragement to push this baby out once and for all. My epidural was wearing off, I had almost been pushing for 3 hours. I needed all the help I could get.
And it did. I pushed and pushed and could hear them saying "his head is out! One more big push!" And it was finally over! I heard the cutest sound of life I've ever heard. I remember hearing him scream a couple times and then nothing. Between tears of excitement/worry/Joy I asked Tyler "why isn't he crying anymore?!" His response "he is just fine, he is just done crying I guess."
They brought him over to me and layed him on my chest. He looked up at me and we just stared at each other for a few seconds. I couldn't love anything more.
Calvin Tyler was born on March 1st, 2013 at 11:51 am. Weighing in at 7 lbs 4 oz. 21 inches long. Tyler and I had never been so happy. The most perfect being we had ever beheld. The happiest and most spiritual day of our lives. The closest to heaven we had ever been. We experienced a true miracle that day. The miracle of LIFE.
There were many more who came to support us that didn't get thier picture snapped. You know who you are and we love you dearly.
We are so grateful for this precious babe and the joy he has brought into our lives.
i love reading these stories. make me so excited for my own! and....I see your beautiful pedicure in multiple pictures....I wonder who did that..... :)